Bell Canada Customer Service Center

Customer Care866-317-3382

Bell Canada is a Canadian telecommunications company. If you want to contact Bell customer service department? There are different ways to contact Bell customer support department. You can reach out Bell via phone, email, live chat, contact form and social media.

Here you can find Bell Canada Customer Service Phone number, Head Office Address, How to Contact Bell via Email, Business Hours and more information.

Bell Canada Contact Number: 1 800 667-0123

If you want to get in touch with Bell Customer Care Support. you can dial the following phone numbers as per your requirement. You can contact them via Bell toll free number and other useful number. Use below contact numbers of Bell if you have any issue or problem with their services like a plan issue questions, payment issue and more.

Bell Canada Technical Support Number: 800-773-2121
Bell Mobility Customer Service Number: 1 800 667-0123
Bell International toll-free Number: +1 (514) 420-7748
Bell customer service number: 866-301-1942
Bell Canada Corporate Office Phone Number: 866-317-3382
Mobility shopping Contact Number: 1 888 4-MOBILE (662453)
Shopping for Internet, TV, and Home phone Contact: 1 866 778-5529
Shopping for Bell Smart Home Contact Number: 1 800 267-2001
Bell Canada Business Service Contact Number: 18552720779
General line contact number of Bell: 1 800 668-6878

Bell Canada Customer Care Number: 866-317-3382

If you want to any problem or questions regarding Bell Service or Products and you want solve your problem or issue to contact on this number for Customer Care Support.

Bell Hotline Canada Support

If you have any problem or issue regarding Bell service or product to get help to contact on this hotline support number 866-317-3382.  

Bell Canada Head Office Phone Number

Bell Canada Calgary Head office Address: Bell Canada 50 Eglinton Avenue East
Toronto ON Canada

Tel: 1 888 832-7221 

Bell Canada Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Bell Leadership Team

Mirko Bibic: President and Chief Executive Officer
Nauby Jacob: Senior Vice President, Products and Services
Stacey Hoirch: Vice President, Deputy Controller and Planning
Olivia Ibell: Vice President, Marketing
Michel Richer: Vice President, Loyalty and Retention
Helena Cain: Vice President, Mobility Business Sales
Gary Semplonius: Senior Vice President, Business Sales and Marketing
Dee Ann Lama: Vice President, Sales, Central and Western Canada
Siobhán Cox: Vice President, Marketing
Nancy Tichbon: Vice President, Sales, Bell Mobility and Bell Residential
Jeremy Wubs: Senior Vice President, Marketing
Cigi Manning: Vice President, Systems and Experience
Devorah Lithwick: Senior Vice President, Brand
Chris Harper: Vice President, International
Giovanni Sansalone: Vice President, Product Management
Louis Caron: Vice President, Sales, Bell Business Markets
Sarah Farrugia: Vice President, Content, Strategy and Business Intelligence
Maura O’Shea: Vice President, Finance Improvements and Controls
Joel Orvis: Vice President, Connected Home
Marie-Josée Boivin: Vice President, Organizational Development and Corporate Groups

Different ways to Contact Bell

Email Bell customer service

Bell Canada provide email support. If you have any questions or problems to contact on this email

Bell Canada Corporate Mailing Address

Bell Canada P.O. Box 5103 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4R8

How To Chat With Bell?

Bell Canada provide live chat support.

How to contact bell mobility by phone?

There are following option are available to contact bell mobility.

  • Call on 1 (800) 667-0123 or *611 from your Bell mobile phone.
  • International +1 (514) 420-7748. (free from your Bell mobile phone)

How Can we Complaints with Bell Canada?

If you have any questions or problem with the product and if you want complaint to visit on this webpage or contact on this number: 866-317-3382

Bell Internet Customer Service Number

If you have any internet technical issue yo can contact on this number 310 SURF (7873) ( For Ontario and Québec Area) or 1 877 811-6899 ( For North America Area).

Bell Home Phone Customer Service Support

If you have any issue or problem regarding bell home phone. You can contact on this number 310 BELL (2355) (From any Bell phone in Ontario and Québec Area) and 1 800 668-6878 (From elsewhere in North America Area).

How do I delete my Bell account?

If you want to delete your Bell account follow this steps.

  • Log in to MyBell using the profile you want to cancel.
  • Click My profile at the top of the page.
  • At the top of the page, click Unlink a bill or service and follow the instructions.
  • At the bottom of the page, click Delete my profile.
  • Click Delete my profile.

Bell Social Media

For small issue for the service to contact Social Media

About Bell Canada

Bell Canada Canadian telecommunications company headquartered at 1 Carrefour Alexander-Graham-Bell in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is an ILEC (incumbent local exchange carrier) in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec and as such, was a founding member of the Stentor Alliance. It is also a CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) for enterprise customers in the western provinces.

Bell Canada Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who owns Bell Canada?

A. Bell Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary of BCE Inc., is Canada's largest supplier of telecommunications services.

Q. What is Bell Contact Number?

A. Bell Canada phone Number is 866-317-3382. This number is best bell Canada toll free number.

Q. How do I contact Bell home phone?

A. If a technician visit is required, the tool will help you book a repair appointment. To report a service issue, call 6-1-1 from any Bell landline phone or #6-1-1 from any Bell mobile phone.

Q. How do I cancel my Bell TV?

A. To cancel your Bell Aliant Internet, Fibe TV or Home phone service, call 1 866 342-7367. To cancel your Bell Aliant Home Security service, call 1 855 777-4117. To cancel your Bell Satellite TV service, call 1-888 SKY DISH (759-3474).

Reference: Bell